Helt unbelievably bizarra FABUC-böcker!!!
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tisdag 22 november 2011
Street Boners av Gavin McInnes
Alltså, jag fattar inte. Vad är en Street Boner? Är det när man lallar runt på stan och plötsligt råkar ut för en genant blodkärlsutvidgning?
fast enligt urban dictionary har en street boner absolut inget att göra med det man först tror. deras definition var tydligen: Someone that you see while walking down the street that is wearing an outfit so ridiculous that you can't even believe that this person is for real. Usually trying to be trendy but taking it wayyyy overboard.
OMG did you see that guy that was straight out of the Matrix? What a street boner!
fast enligt urban dictionary har en street boner absolut inget att göra med det man först tror. deras definition var tydligen: Someone that you see while walking down the street that is wearing an outfit so ridiculous that you can't even believe that this person is for real. Usually trying to be trendy but taking it wayyyy overboard.
SvaraRaderaOMG did you see that guy that was straight out of the Matrix? What a street boner!